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The genus Clivia is endemic to South Africa and includes six species only, namely C.caulescens. C. gardenia, C. miniata, C. mirabilis, C. nobilis, and C. robusta.  They are from the family Amaryllidaceae and commonly known as bush lily. These beautiful plants are known to many gardens and horticulture industries in various countries.  Of the six known species, Clivia miniata the most widely cultivated. Clivia miniata has upright florets whilst the other five species have pendulous florets. Clivia gardenii flowers during the South African Autumn, while the others are all Spring flowering types.

Clivia species discovered in the wild were mostly orange in color but varieties with flowers ranging from deep red-orange to pale yellow have been bred by growers and various inter specific types are also available.

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Yellow, Orange, Red


Broad, Narrow, Variegated


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